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Guns in the right hands are a tool

Guns in the right hands are a tool

We hear and see news reports of gangs fighting it out in the street with citizens trying to hide from stray bullets as best they can.
Human smugglers not welcome

Human smugglers not welcome

The federal government has renewed its call for a crack down on human smugglers, hoping to curtail a rising tide of organized crime-driven illegal trafficking in helpless and abused men, women and children.
Human smugglers not welcome

Human smugglers not welcome

The federal government has renewed its call for a crack down on human smugglers, hoping to curtail a rising tide of organized crime-driven illegal trafficking in helpless and abused men, women and children.
A cure for cultural illiteracy

A cure for cultural illiteracy

The other night Tracks Pub in Olds venued a double-course serving of Canadiana in the form of Tim Hus and Johnny Don't. It was a splendid event with just one hitch.
How to fix a remake

How to fix a remake

The Mechanic: three stars Rated: R for extreme violence, coarse language and nudity I never saw the original 1972 Charles Bronson version of The Mechanic, and perhaps that's a good thing considering the track record remakes have in the annals of this
Teach kids by example how to be healthy

Teach kids by example how to be healthy

My newest grandchild is 18 months old and even has a nickname, Gunny. What a joy it is to escape the complexities of adulthood to focus on him, just playing.
Awareness of alcohol dangers a must

Awareness of alcohol dangers a must

While most West Central Alberta residents probably don't have a problem with moderate alcohol use by responsible adults, whether in private homes or at restaurants, lounges or other such places, the dangers of alcohol abuse are all too often brushed
Lending cupboard available in Olds

Lending cupboard available in Olds

I bet you didn't know that Olds has a baby item/clothing lending cupboard. Well, we do. As a mom, I think the lending cupboard is a fantastic idea.
Combat dubious claims about alcohol with awareness

Combat dubious claims about alcohol with awareness

Editorial Awareness of alcohol dangers a must While most area residents probably don’t have a problem with moderate alcohol use by responsible adults, whether in private homes or at restaurants, lounges or other such places, the dangers of alcohol ab
It's all a matter of time

It's all a matter of time

127 Hours: four stars Rated: R for language and disturbing violent content Sometimes people do things they live to regret later.
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