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Olds News

Outdoor chili dog soup kitchen in Olds planned

Outdoor chili dog soup kitchen in Olds planned

The event, organized and staged with the help of the Rotary Club of Olds and several local businesses, will be held June 19 by the gazebo in Centennial Park from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m.
Faith will help you through life, Christian school grads told

Faith will help you through life, Christian school grads told

Twenty students graduated from Olds Koinonia Christian School (OKCS) during a ceremony June 8 in the First Baptist Church Olds
Local dance studio marks a milestone

Local dance studio marks a milestone

On Sunday, June 2, the Inspire Dance Studio in Olds held its 10th annual recital at the TransCanada Theatre in Olds
Olds water mains smaller, easier to repair than big Calgary line

Olds water mains smaller, easier to repair than big Calgary line

Olds chief administrative officer Brent Williams says like Calgary, his town is dealing with aging infrastructure and less money from the province to fix or repair it
Emergency crews respond to rear-end collision on Hwy 2A

Emergency crews respond to rear-end collision on Hwy 2A

The collision occurred about 7 p.m. June 12 about two kilometres south of Olds. One person received "unspecified injuries" according to Olds RCMP Acting Sgt. Leif Svendsen
Korean war vet, nephews honoured for military service

Korean war vet, nephews honoured for military service

Korean War vet Richard Paul Godin, 91, of Olds along with nephews Richard Charles Godin of Wainwright and Barry Fairlie of the Edmonton area, were wrapped in Quilts of Valour during a ceremony May 25 at the Royal Canadian Legion Branch 105 in Olds
Olds council approves another $400,000 to fight water loss

Olds council approves another $400,000 to fight water loss

The extra money, which will come out of reserves, brings the total amount spent on water inflow and infiltration this year to $1.9 million and the total capital budget to $$5,447,331
Olds animal bylaw approved

Olds animal bylaw approved

Third reading of the bylaw was expected to come up during council's May 27 meeting after it was tabled a couple of weeks ago to allow time to fix some errors
Downloading has put Town of Olds in tight bind, report finds

Downloading has put Town of Olds in tight bind, report finds

Council urges residents to read report, saying that would answer many of their questions regarding costs and spending
Four duplexes approved for Olds' Cornerstone area

Four duplexes approved for Olds' Cornerstone area

Eight dwelling units to be added on town's westside
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