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Care plan doesn't meet needs, say MLA

Care plan doesn't meet needs, say MLA

The Prentice government's latest plan to address a shortage of continuing care beds in the province doesn't go far enough, says Innisfail-Sylvan Lake Wildrose MLA Kerry Towle.
Schools looking for more bus drivers

Schools looking for more bus drivers

With the winter driving season just around the corner, the Chinook's Edge School Division is looking for more school bus drivers, says director of transportation Dieter Brandt.
Health funding OK's

Health funding OK's

Mountain View County council has approved funding for several area groups under the municipality's health initiatives program. The approvals came during the recent regularly scheduled council meeting.
Reeve expects more info on moratorium

Reeve expects more info on moratorium

Mountain View County reeve Bruce Beattie says he expects that more information will be available for consideration when county council revisits a proposed development moratorium for an area of McDougal Flats on Nov. 12.
Council looks at roads as part of budget deliberations

Council looks at roads as part of budget deliberations

Mountain View County council continued 2015 budget deliberations at a meeting on Oct. 6, with the county's re-gravelling and chip seal programs on the agenda.
Alliances not needed in Chinook's Edge, say officials

Alliances not needed in Chinook's Edge, say officials

Despite recent calls from the Alberta Liberal education critic Kent Hehr for the government to mandate accommodation for gay-straight alliances in the province's schools, Chinook's Edge School Division (CESD) officials say there is no need for such a
Central Alberta harvest lags behind the rest of Alberta

Central Alberta harvest lags behind the rest of Alberta

Central Alberta is the farthest behind when it comes to this year's harvest, according to the Alberta Crop Report. The report, issued at the end of September, says only 58 per cent of the crop had been harvested in Central Alberta.
Tough prices ahead for Mountain View producers

Tough prices ahead for Mountain View producers

Mountain View County producers are going to take a hit in the wallet this year, according to Kent Clifford, inputs manager at the Richardson Pioneer terminal just outside Olds.
Hunters encouraged to help food bank

Hunters encouraged to help food bank

Hunters are being encouraged to help out Mountain View food bank clients this hunting season through the Alberta Hunters Who Care Wild Game Foodbank Donation program.
Upgrades approved

Upgrades approved

Mountain View County council has approved plans to upgrade the audiovisual system in council chambers as well as in the Bearberry Room meeting area in the county office. The approval of the upgrade project came during the Oct.
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