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Innisfail News

Healthier brain possible

Healthier brain possible

For a healthier brain, Donna Durand, Alzheimer Society Alberta’s regional manager for Central Alberta, outlined the following components of the society’s Heads Up campaign. 1. Eat healthy. Follow Canada’s Food Guide and drink lots of water.
Driver performs indecent act on Highway 2

Driver performs indecent act on Highway 2

RCMP Highway 2 integrated traffic services are looking for information about suspicious vehicles or persons travelling near Didsbury on Friday after a male driver exposed himself to a female victim in another vehicle. At approximately 1:55 p.m.
Programs offered for a healthy mind and body

Programs offered for a healthy mind and body

Over the next year Central Alberta residents will have the chance to dance, climb, or meditate their way to healthier living through a number of non-traditional wellness courses being offered by the Town of Penhold.
Hudson celebrates 100th birthday

Hudson celebrates 100th birthday

Longtime area resident Edith Hudson celebrated her 100th birthday at the Penhold Multiplex facility Feb. 9 with approximately 130 people in attendance.
Health Canada issues honey warning

Health Canada issues honey warning

Health Canada is reminding parents and caregivers not to feed honey to children under one year old. Honey is the only food in Canada that has been linked to infant botulism according to Health Canada officials.
JWS students explore art

JWS students explore art

Dragons, colourful archways, all-seeing eyes, and other mystical creatures are beginning to appear in the second storey hallway of École John Wilson Elementary School (JWES).
Cossey setsswim record

Cossey setsswim record

Innisfail native Nicole Cossey broke a national swimming event record at the 2011 NAIA Swimming & Diving National Championships last week south of the border. Cossey set the mark in the 100-yard freestyle at the St.
Grants for seniors cut costs for taxpayers

Grants for seniors cut costs for taxpayers

Increases to government grants for seniors will cut costs for Innisfail taxpayers and allow for a higher level of service for patrons at Autumn Glen Lodge this year.
Birds of a feather

Birds of a feather

Black Swan: three and a half stars Rated: R for language and mature subject matter I’ve always had a strong admiration for ballet dancers, placing them above hockey players, quarterbacks and professional wrestlers on the athletic ladder.
Cabinet ministers to stop in Innisfail

Cabinet ministers to stop in Innisfail

Four of Premier Stelmach’s cabinet ministers will be visiting Innisfail for a meet and greet with the community this week. On Wednesday, Feb. 9, Hon. Iris Evans, minister of international and intergovernmental relations, Hon.
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