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Innisfail News

Victim services seeks volunteers

Victim services seeks volunteers

Innisfail and District Victim Services is looking for more volunteer advocates. Bev Sliger, the victim services co-ordinator, said there are five current volunteers and two going through the screening process.
Over $2,000 in repairs spent on Bowden community bus

Over $2,000 in repairs spent on Bowden community bus

Over $2,000 was spent last month to repair the Bowden community bus after the recent cold snap rendered it frozen.
Utility rates going up for Penhold residents

Utility rates going up for Penhold residents

Penhold's mayor said increasing utility rates are to help the town keep breaking even when it comes to service costs. "We want to try and run them at a break-even (rate)," Mayor Dennis Cooper said. Water and sewer rates are set to increase by $0.
At the movies

At the movies

The 2011 Academy Award winning best foreign film, In a Better World, is this month's film choice. This movie is impressively directed and superbly written.
Lodge closed for public bookings during renovations

Lodge closed for public bookings during renovations

The Loyal Orange Lodge hall will be closed for public bookings for a little while longer while members of the organization work on renovating the building.
Toasting Robbie Burns

Toasting Robbie Burns

A toast is made following the recitation of "Address to a Haggis" at the annual Robbie Burns supper held at the Innisfail Legion auditorium on Feb. 3.
Meat shop not reopening

Meat shop not reopening

The Mad Butcher, meat processing and butcher shop, won't reopen as previously planned, confirmed owner Ron Burndred Friday. The fire, which originated on the kill floor of the plant, will be torn to the ground this summer, said Burndred.
Police briefs

Police briefs

Business break-ins A truck was stolen from a business on 50 Avenue on Jan. 31. Entrance was gained into the business via a broken window. Truck tools and a computer were also stolen. The truck was recovered in Blackfalds. There are no suspects.
Bogus alarms costing cops time

Bogus alarms costing cops time

The number of bogus alarms going off in town is up 40 per cent, prompting RCMP to call on council to help rectify the problem. Cpl. AJ Mand met with council Jan. 23 to discuss the number of calls the police had in 2011.
Cook's work key in preserving past

Cook's work key in preserving past

A former Penhold resident who worked hard to help preserve the town's history passed away in late January.
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