Developing a habit for exercise helps to keep the body fit and fighting serious illness. Not being fit means increased risk of chronic illness like heart disease, stroke, cancer and other age-related problems like type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure and mental health issues. Staying fit can prevent a lot of health problems and reverse some too.
It is never too late to put a focus on these four types of exercise — cardiovascular exercise, strength training, stretching and balance. All of these are important in different ways as aging moves forward.
Cardiovascular exercise makes the heart rate stronger and builds up muscles in arms and legs. Examples are walking, running, swimming, or biking. Those exercises can be done anywhere with no special equipment or training. Try to do 30 minutes a day, but it doesn’t have to be all at once. Include a gym in your routine, and the options for cardio increase. Elliptical machines. rowing machines or group fitness classes are some great ideas.
Strength training becomes even more important in the middle decades. Muscle mass loss begins in our 30s, and risks of falls and broken bones increase. Strength training, or resistance training, builds the muscles and improves bone and tendon health. You can use the weight machines at the gym, take classes, use bodyweight or carry a backpack on your walks.
Stretching and Balance
Stretching activities are also powerful. They help to send a signal to the mind that the body is getting stronger and more capable. Yoga, tai chi and Pilates are good choices. They also help prevent injury and improve balance. It is very important to maintain balance to age well. Do some squats or stand on one leg to mimic some natural activities. There are exercise programs for balance too.
How can you keep up with fitness goals as age-related issues make it harder? Keep walking, and do things that are easy on the joints, and that are enjoyable. There are so many advantages to staying fit. You will be happier, stronger, and you will feel better overall. Exercise doesn't have to be more than you can manage, and it should be something that you enjoy. There are so many options available. Do it on your own, with the help of an app, or join a group at the gym.
Staying fit at any age is more than having a healthy body. Keeping fit and staying active improves brain health too.