A fundraising hike will be held for the Olds and District Hospice Society (ODHS) on May 6 starting at Holy Trinity Catholic School in Olds.
“Hospice palliative care aims to relieve suffering and improve the quality of life so that each day may be lived to the fullest,” said spokesperson Marion Kasawal. “Hospice palliative care is currently underfunded and under recognized.
“Please take the time on May 6 to either collect pledges and hike, or sponsor a hiker.”
The hike is one kilometre or five kilometres.
“Participants can walk, run, or even wheelchair. It will take place, rain or shine, beginning at Holy Trinity School and continuing through the wooded trails and around the lake, all in Olds,” she said.
Registration is at 8:45 a.m., the opening ceremony at 9:30, and start time at 10.
Pledge forms can be picked up at the Wildrose Medical Centre, Bean Brokers and Pandora’s Boox or at www.oldshospice.com.
Donations are also being accepted at Olds and District Hospice Society, Box 4231, Olds, T4H 1P8.
The ODHS has supported more than 200 families since its inception, and currently has two suites in the Seasons Encore assisted living facility in Olds, she said.