Aberdeen Welfare Workers update
By Flo Quesseth
Five ladies attended the March meeting of the Aberdeen Welfare Workers. It was held at the home of Karen and Bill Champ. Roll call was answered with something pertaining to St. Patrick's Day. One member told about St. Pat. Another member had made some shamrock cookies for us, which were delicious.
A couple of anniversaries were discussed.
We decided to work at the Historical Village Tea on Friday, August 12, also supplying lunch.
Doris Whitehead reported on the Poplar Grove bingo that she and I worked at. She provided a very good lunch for the residents when bingo was completed. There were 18 people present to play bingo.
Roberta Armstrong will provide lunch for the next bingo. Karen Champ will assist her with the bingo games.
We donated $20 to the Kidney Foundation.
Doris Whitehead invited us to her home for the April meeting. Roll call will be something pertaining to Easter.
Karen Swanson was the recipient of my calendar contest.
Hostess Karen Champ served a delicious lunch to conclude a pleasant afternoon.
Congratulations to Ruth Moore for having one of her paintings of horses printed in a special edition called "Art of the Cowboy" in the December Western Collector magazine.
Congratulations also to Taryn Baumgardt and her teammates who won the gold medal in the girls hockey game in Halifax, Nova Scotia this month against the Ontario girls team. Well done girls. Taryn's parents, Teri and Kent Baumgardt and children, Kirsten and Kyle, as well as proud grandparents Roberta and Jim Simpson were there to enjoy the games.
Marianna Tams has returned home from a bus tour with 54 people to the southern U.S.A. They stopped along the way to enjoy different areas.
Sympathy is extended to Debbie and Dale Lowry in the recent bereavement of her sister.