Twisting and turning, stepping and standing – dancing keeps the body in continual motion. For those looking for a fun and energizing activity, dancing can check all the right boxes. Enjoyable in a social or competitive environment, the level of activity brought by any dance can help you stay fit and healthy.
A large pro of choosing dancing as your regular form of physical activity is the variety within the category. While some dances may seem more physically taxing than others, they all have a positive effect on your fitness level.
Fast paced, popular dance moves found on social media or under the flashing lights of a dance floor can increase your heart rate and take your breath away. But slower dances such as ballroom waltzes or two stepping, while they may not work your body as hard in the moment, can also be effective.
Physical Benefits
Coinciding with various methods and forms of dance, there are many possible physical benefits. In a fast paced jig or party dance, your whole body will be on high alert with your blood pumping oxygen and your lungs working overtime to fill the supply. This level of activity helps your body burn fat and strengthens all your muscles.
While they may not produce as great an effect on your heart rate, slower dances such as the tango can help tone your muscles and increase flexibility. With a series of complex steps to learn and perform, your coordination and focus will also improve. Over time, and with enough practice, dancing will keep your body healthy and strong.
Mental Health
As with all types of exercise, dancing can have a positive effect on your mental health. While your muscles work, your body begins to release toxins, improving your overall health and mood. With a higher fitness level, you can also achieve a greater connection with your body and raise your self-image and self-esteem.
Dancing also comes with the added benefit of social interaction. Even for people that find interaction a little more stressful, having a shared interest in dancing can make it easier to communicate and connect with new friends.
By taking up dancing, you can join a community of fellow dancers for excitement and exercise. With classes ranging from beginner to advanced and even competitive levels, you can choose how far you’d like to take the activity. No matter what style or level of dancing you decide to pursue, you can rest assured that you’ll find fun and fitness!